Number 7 Comfort 15 Mini Scleral
| For unsuccessful soft toric fits, this lens will use the tears to neutralise corneal astigmatism |
Keratoconus | |
Pellucid Marginal Degeneration | |
Post Graft | |
Post Lasik | |
Ecstasia | |
Sports Wear & Dusty Environment | Stability for great VA's; no dirt will get under the lens |
Dry Eye Mild to moderate corneal disease | No fluid can escape the reservoir eliminating corneal dry eye |
Multifocal | The lens is always central for consistent VA |
Comfort | For superior comfort than RGP's offer |
Optimum Extra (Roflufocon D)
Blue or clear
Diameter 15mm
SAG: 3400 to 5100 in 20 micron steps
+25.00 to -25.00 in 0.25 steps
Daily wear, annual replacement
Fitting Summary
Detailed Fitting Guide
Containing 13 lenses, the fitting set has depths ranging from 3500µm to 5000µm in 125µm steps
The aim of the fit is to find the lens that exceeds the sagittal depth of the eye by around 100-150µm.
Choosing the right first trial lens cannot be done empitically and keratometry and topography do not give a good indication of sagittal depth. However, the first trial lens can be chosen base on the eye condition to be fitted.
Lenses must always be inserted full to the brim with saline.
Fluorescein must be added to the bowl of the lens prior to insertion as it will not get behind the lens after insertion.
The patient should be bent forward with their nose pointing towards the floor and their chin tucked in.
The lens can either be supported on a tripod of three fingers or on a DMV inserter.
Assessing the Edges
Care Solutions
RGP solutions are too viscous.
Soft lens solutions such as Oté Sensation work well with daily cleaning using Oté Clean